মঙ্গলবার, ১৭ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১৩

What is the meaning of “Group” in Tally under “Accounts Info” ?

To understand Group and opening Group Account in Tally  At first take a balance sheet of your company in front of you. You can see, there is a head Bills Payable or Sundry Creditors or Accounts Payable. say figure Tk. 2500000/=.  So this is called Group Accounts. It will be open in Tally Soft Ware from “Group”  

Because under that head of Accounts there are some Ledger  such as
Bills Payable/Sundry Creditors/Accounts Payable                                        2500000/=
Rahim Knitting Ind. Ltd.                      220000/=
Kamal & Brothers                               315000/=
Ring Shine Chemical                          276000/=
Fatullah Textile                                    572000/=
Reaz Textile                                        377000/=
Ahad & Brothers                                 452000/=
Alline Garments                                  288000/=

In Tally Soft Ware, We will not open under these Group Account. Because, under the following Group Account already exist in Tally.

Bank Accounts
Bank OCC A/c
Bank O/D A/c
Capital Account
Current Assets
Current Liabilities
Deposits (Assets)
Direct expenses
Direct Income
Duties & Taxes
Expenses (Direct)
Expenses (Indirect)
Fixed Assets
Income (Direct)
Income (Indirect)
Indirect Expenses
Indirect Incomes
Loans & Advances (Assets)
Loans Liabilities
Misc. Expenses (Assets)
Purchase Accounts
Reserves & Surplus
Retain Earnings
Sales Accounts
Secured Loans
Sundry Creditors
Sundry debtors
Suspense Accounts
Unsecured Loans

Next Class I will teach How to Open Group Account & Ledger Account.
Any question Pls. Call 01815-042350 or Email: zahidul201@yahoo.com

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